

As a rookie in the hearing healthcare industry, I have various questions about the hearing problems in different ages, especially in the elder people. And I had scanned many websites and apps about hearing problem posts. Then found that tinnitus is a really severe but common phenomenon among the old. So the writer had analyzed from the causes of tinnitus, the effect of tinnitus, how to minimum impact of tinnitus, three perspectives to depict this issue. Most varieties of the tinnitus are incurable, in particular, the sensorineural tinnitus, which can derive from complicated changes and legions of different individual situations. They can be the growth of ages, the medical consequence, personal characteristics. As one part of integrity for human body, the impact of tinnitus cannot be simply attributed into hearing problems. It can also trigger depression, anxiety, anger and other mental damage to human health. Tinnitus problems drift patient away from quiet occasions. On the other hand,


In China and other developing countries, as the problem of hearing loss is gradually gaining attention and   hearing aids   are becoming more and more popular, people with hearing loss have various demands on the functions, styles and configurations of hearing aids. Therefore. This article will introduce some important features of hearing aids to help people with hearing loss to choose the right hearing aid. Some optional features of hearing aids improve your ability to hear in specific situations:   Noise reduction. All hearing aids have some amount of noise reduction available. The amount of noise reduction varies. Some also offer wind noise reduction.   Directional microphones. These are aligned on the hearing aid to provide for improved pickup of sounds coming from in front of you with some reduction of sounds coming from behind or beside you. Some hearing aids are capable of focusing in one direction. Directional microphones can improve your ability to hear when you’re in an envir


This short page is about the contemporary situation of China’s the old hearing situation. According to the relevant research, there is just about 3% of China’s old men using   hearing aids   in their daily life compared to over 30% using rates in the western developed countries. Facing with this tremendous discrepancy, I had listed three main reasons about this phenomenon in my view. From the residency perspective, there is quite amount of people in China regard hearing loss as a symbol of long life and normal situation by the increase of age, not a kind of disease. And also for youth, it’s a common sense for them to speak loudly when they talk to the old no matter of the current situation needed they facing with or just for courtesy. Moreover, the appearance of the first hearing aid was in the 1920s, but hearing aids and its notion was not widespread in China, especially in the countryside. According to the data summary in 2021 of China’s government, there are still 36% of Chinese res


  Cochlear or hearing aids? Hearing loss is very common in daily life. We always hear different suggestions about whether to choose a  hearing aid  or choose a cochlear.Both hearing aids and cochlear cochlea belong to the hearing auxiliary equipment, and it has been compared with each other on the Internet. When facing hearing loss, many parents and patients are very anxious about should I choose the cochlear or hearing aid?   Who is suitable for hearing aids? Hearing aids correspond to “hearing compensation”. In general, a hearing aid is an electro-acoustic amplifier that amplifies sounds that would otherwise be inaudible to a hearing impaired person through the residual inner ear hair cells to an intensity that can be heard, like glasses on the ear. Hearing aids are therefore suitable for patients with mild hearing loss to moderate hearing loss.   Who fits the cochlear implant? Cochlear implants correspond to “hearing reconstruction”. The cochlear implant is an electronic device that


Hearing aids   need to be well maintained in order to prolong their life. There are some tips for your reference:   1. Moisture proof. This is one of the most important things to keep your hearing aids in working for a longer time. Hearing aids are made up of sophisticated electronic components, so moisture has a certain effect on electronic equipment. Therefore, when washing your face, Washing your hair, Do not wear your hearing aid when swimming or when it is raining, dry your hearing aid in case of sweating to prevent sweat from penetrating it, and do not place your hearing aid in a humid environment such as a bathroom. When the hearing aid is not in use, place it in a drying box (please note that the desiccant in the box is not working) or in an electronic dryer, if possible, return it to the fitting centre for regular vacuum drying. During winter, pay attention to whether there are any water droplets in the earmould tube, and if so, shake them out to avoid affecting the hearing ai


According to the WHO hearing loss grading scale, the details as follow: ●Normal Hearing Loss: -10 ~20dB (No or very slight hearing problems. Able to hear whispers.) ●Mild Hearing loss: 20dB~40dB(Able to hear and repeat words spoken in normal voice at 1 metre.) ●Moderate Hearing Loss: 40~55dB(Able to hear and repeat words spoken in raised voice at 1 metre.) ●Moderately Severe Hearing Loss: 55~70dB(Able to hear some words when shouted into better ear.) ●Severe Hearing Loss: 70~90dB ((Able to hear very few words when shouted into better ear.) ●Profound Hearing Loss: 90~120dB(Unable to hear and understand even a shouted voice.) Hearing classification is based on the results of pure tone audiometry, which is a subjective test. Since children (especially those under 5 years old) are often unable to cooperate well with this test, and there are certain differences in hearing threshold and hearing sensitivity between children and adults, the grading criteria here are only applicable to adults,


After the  hearing aid  fitting is completed, what should be done if the user complains about some problems with the hearing aid? Here are some common problems and solutions for your reference.   Question 1:Feedback There are many phenomena that can cause feedback in hearing aids, and it can occur at any stage during or after the hearing aid fitting. The key to solving feedback problems is to understand when feedback occurs. For example, the cause of feedback is different and is handled differently when the user first wears the hearing aid than when it occurs after a period of wear.   Checklist. 1. Ear wax in the microphone/receiver? 2. Excessive ear wax in the ear canal? 3. Microphone covered by the ear? 4. Jaw movement (chewing motion) causing poor sealing of the hearing aid? 5. Vent is too large? 6. Volume control always on maximum? In the case of hearing aids without volume control, is the gain of the hearing aid turned up to near maximum? 7. Is the peak of the response curve too h