According to the hearing healthcare industry annual report, hearing aids products sales was been growing with a steady tendency in past ten years. And it was estimated still increased in 4.9% complicated year average rate and reach to 1.1 billion dollars to 2030. In the daily use, patients finally obtain the ideal hearing aids after series of complex procedures while some of them ignore the importance of hearing aids accessories and cause products mistakenly consumed even destroyed. Here are some hearing aid accessories that might affect your hearing aids use experience but you neglected.
First, cerustop or ceruman covers, they are usually used in BTC, CIC, RIC hearing aids and been put at the junction then connect the ear dome and hearing aid. It prevents the earwax, water and steam from contaminating and eroding hearing aids electronic parts as well as secure the health of user especially for the crowed who secrete the earwax more frequent than the usual. Also easy to detach and assemble this parts on hearing aids for customer. Just clean and change the cerustop monthly or according to their own corporeity status can reach the target of prolong service life or protect hearing aids.
Then, ear hanging rope or hearing aid clip protector. Hearing aids drop or loss incidents had taken place on many consumers. Hearing aid damage, missing and service life depreciation are all the problems customers need to handle with when it happened. The function is more apparent when they are applied on the elderly and vivacious children.
Last but not least, the dry case or electric dehumidifier. Water steam and bacteria are the two vital factors that user need to pay attention to when consider the safety of hearing aids and their personal health. Any electric dehumidifier can eliminate the water and bacteria in minutes by ultraviolet irradiation then protect you and hearing aid device to the maximum extent.
In summary, protecting you hearing health is not just the obligation of hearing aids, relevant accessories also have the crucial benefit. For more details please contact with our staff and obtain the answer you need.